So what, just what, is it that makes me want to try and obtain all the goods and unlockables? Clearly it's not something everyone feels as demonstrated by this Public Service Video below:
And in case you were wondering, here's what such a fight would look like:
Not that great really. But I'm on the other end of the spectrum where I want everything~! I want the trophies, the stickers, the music, the stages, the characters, and without cheating using the hammers to break the glass.
But the problem is that this doesn't bode well with my wife.
I currently only work a part-time job at a Pizza Hut call center (and man do I have stories to tell after only two weeks there), and am trying to find work as an IT worker. Databases, web sites, technical writing, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, whatever it takes!
I get food stamps and live on meager wages and family support. That's it!
So why can't I drag myself away from this game long enough to actually get a job, take care of chores, and basically do all the other stuff a responsible adult should?
I mean really! Sure the game has been hyped to the point that Jesus Himself might have delivered it on launch day:
But that is no excuse to neglect my other duties as an adult and as a husband. Is it
I'm not saying games are addicting. I've been able to drop games in lieu of other, more important matters before. So why is it that this game keeps me coming back again and again whenever I can still an extra minute of play? Is that a sign of a game's success? A sign that some games can be addicting? Or a sign that I need to just get over it and man up to my responsibilities?
Maybe it's one or the other, or it could be all of the above. One way or another, I need to find some way to manage my time properly. That's the most important thing! Especially since doing that means I can post more, and get this site off the ground
Anyone else have this need to get everything ASAP in Smash?
P.S. Image clip from God Mode Online and it's funny, funny comics.
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